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We're fundraising to continue to feed families in our community

Since the beginning of this pandemic, Los Vecinos de Buford Highway, has collaborated with community partners and sister organizations to ensure families in our community have food security. Most of our families are either completely out of work or still under severely reduced hours. We have distributed "Despensas" or mini food pantries to over 20,000 families across the Buford Highway corridor and over 100,000 hot meals/lunches since we launched our Food Assistance program. It is thanks to donations from supporters like YOU that we are able to cover the logistics and food costs so that families have the nourishment they need to survive.

In this time of great need can we count on you?

Donate to Vecinos BH today to help us fundraise for our ongoing food initiatives. All proceeds go towards transportation costs, purchasing fresh produce, and purchasing nonperishable foods for the families of Buford Highway.

If you or your organization would like to partner with us please email Stephanie Coreas at